Shift mindset & attitude with visualization

Visualization can help you to shift your mindset and bring it into your day. Experience improved motivation and focus, and set yourself for success whilst showing up as your best self.

Shift mindset & attitude
with visualization

Visualization can help you to shift your mindset and bring it into your day. Experience improved motivation and focus, and set yourself for success whilst showing up as your best self.

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Learn how visualization can support your health and fitness journey

Learn how visualization can help to change your mindset and attitude

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Visualization is a success practice used by people who want to grow and achieve their goals. It is not just daydreaming or wishful thinking. When used correctly, it is a scientific process that allows you to shift your state and tap into more of your inner resources. By state we mean our mental, emotional and physical state. Said another way, it’s our mindset and how we’re showing up to things. When we use effective visualization to shift our state into an empowered one, we can better focus on what’s important, take more dynamic action and more easily overcome challenges. It also allows us to mentally prepare, so that we can show up at our best at the most critical moments.

Visualization can help us with stress in two significant ways. It can help to create a state of deep relaxation after the body is triggered by stress. And it can help us to prevent stress by preventing us from triggering the stress response in the first place. An example of this is swimmer Missy Franklin.


Franklin, who won four gold medals at the London Games, uses visualization as a way of reducing anxiety of the unknown. Says Franklin, “When I get there, I’ve already pictured what’s going to happen a million times so I don’t actually have to think about it.” Like that, visualization can reduce stress and help us relax more. It provides not only a method of creating relaxation after stress has occurred, but it can also help us prevent it. And that makes it an invaluable tool.
Visualization is an Effective Way to Create a Positive Mindset and Attitude
Objective: Answer the question, “What is visualization?”


When most people think of visualization, they think of a mental practice. Visualization with EnVision goes way beyond that. We recognize that the mind affects the emotions and the body, and all of these are components of setting a winning attitude. In other words, the most effective approach to visualization has a profound effect on how we feel. It changes our attitude and helps us to create a positive mindset. And it is our daily mindset and attitude that propel us rapidly towards our goals. They accelerate our progress and efficiency. They can make all the difference. And visualization can be the key that unlocks the winning mindset and attitude.

Visualization is a versatile tool. We can use it to set attitude and develop a positive mindset. We can use it to rehearse important steps towards our success. One of the most effective uses of visualization is to create a vision for our lives that is so inspiring it compels us to act. At EnVision we call this your compelling future. We help you to define your compelling future and to represent that future visually with a vision board. We help you to know how to best visualize this future so that you feel motivated and inspired. And we help you to know what actions to take in order to achieve it.

What is the value of being able to show up as your best self, each and every day? Visualization is a tool that can be used to shift our internal mental/emotional state. Why? Because when we visualize the subconscious mind reacts as if what we are visualizing is real. That means we can utilize visualization to prime ourselves for the day so that we can show up as the version of ourselves that we want to be. This is the power of visualization. Being able to create our lives in a way that matches our vision. And this is the power of using a visualization app. It can guide you to have the most effective state shift so that you show up as your best self. So why not give it a try?

One of the things that using a visualization app can help with is creating the best habits. This is especially true when it comes to the habit of visualization. While you might be able to find guided visualizations elsewhere, when it comes to practicing visualization for success, EnVision has got everything organized for you. Connecting to your vision, using visualization to set your mindset and attitude for the day, setting powerful intentions and getting key actions done — these are all part of the EnVision daily habit. We help you to create the best future possible.

Success is built one day at a time. Showing up to each day with a positive mindset and attitude makes all the difference in having a productive day moves you closer to your goals. Visualization is a powerful tool for shifting mindset. That is one of the things we focus on with EnVision. Shifting your mindset, your attitude, or what we call “state,” is effectively done with the style of visualization we offer. If you want to create the mindset for success, then check out the EnVision app.

How do you create an unstoppable mindset? With effective visualization. You see, effective visualization goes beyond just picturing what you want. It is about creating that deeply felt emotional state that can inspire you. It is also about rehearsing for the obstacles that you will encounter along your way. When you see yourself overcoming these and coming up with creative solutions to problems, you begin to know that you will succeed. You feel the passion and know that you are unstoppable. And that is part of the benefit of using a visualization app.

Visualization can help us with stress in two significant ways. It can help to create a state of deep relaxation after the body is triggered by stress. And it can help us to prevent stress by preventing us from triggering the stress response in the first place. An example of this is swimmer Missy Franklin.


Franklin, who won four gold medals at the London Games, uses visualization as a way of reducing anxiety of the unknown. Says Franklin, “When I get there, I’ve already pictured what’s going to happen a million times so I don’t actually have to think about it.” Like that, visualization can reduce stress and help us relax more. It provides not only a method of creating relaxation after stress has occurred, but it can also help us prevent it. And that makes it an invaluable tool.

Visualizing your goals helps you achieve them faster and easier

1. Download the app

2. Visualize for an unstoppable mindset

3. Achieve your goals

Visualizing your goals helps you achieve them faster and easier

1. Download the app

2. Visualize for an unstoppable mindset

3. Achieve your goals