Visualization for Financial Success

Visualization can help you to shift your mindset and create confidence to help you achieve your financial goals. Take the right actions and start by getting clear on your vision.

Visualization for Financial Success

Visualization can help you to shift your mindset and create confidence to help you achieve your financial goals. Take the right actions and start by getting clear on your vision.

Envision character Financial

Learn how visualization can help you to reach your financial and wealth goals

Learn how visualization can help you to reach your financial and wealth goals

Envision character Financial

A recent survey of entrepreneurs showed that 89 percent of millennial entrepreneurs use a vision board when creating their business plan. Why? Because it helps them to focus. It helps them to get really clear on what they are striving for. And visualizing our vision helps motivate and inspire us. It creates an enthusiasm to push through obstacles and to keep going when tasks seem like drudgery. In other words, using visualization makes them reach their goals faster. And that makes it an important and valuable success tool.

Financial success doesn’t happen in a vacuum. It is not about luck. It is not just about meeting the right people. It is about having a purpose and a vision to fulfill that purpose. When we use visualization to connect with our vision, it reminds us of our purpose and inspires us. It gives meaning to our lives and energy to move forward. It helps us transform the possible to the probable. Do this day after day and success is yours. That is how powerful visualization is.

Financial success is not a matter of luck. It is a matter of having a clear vision for what you want, then shifting into the proper mindset and taking the right actions that will lead to achieving your wealth goals. A powerful financial vision is made up of the outcomes you desire and the right success strategies to achieve them. Visualization helps you to see this vision and shifts your state into one of empowerment, motivation and confidence. This positive mindset and attitude will help inspire and drive you to take the right actions that will actually lead to achieving your financial goals. Visualizing your financial vision and the strategies to achieve it will also help to prime your mind to see new opportunities that you may have otherwise missed. It will connect you with self trust, resourcefulness, creativity and other inner resources you can bring out in pursuit of your goals. Visualization is a powerful and essential, but often overlooked tool for creating financial success.

If we want to be financially successful, we need to make use of our full potential. That means making use of all of our brain’s capacities. Most of us have developed the left brain, language and analytical skills. What remains to be developed is more of the right brain and visualization is one practice that does so. It also taps into our creativity to find solutions to problems, challenges and obstacles. In addition, it uplevels our intuition, so that we can make better choices along the way. If we want to have more, we have to become more. Visualization is a powerful tool to do so.

The saying “Success doesn’t happen overnight,” is one that most of us have heard. One of the keys to success is self belief. Visualizing our success helps the subconscious to know that we can succeed. That self belief creates self confidence, an important factor in success. What neuroscience is beginning to demonstrate is that much of our learning gets integrated at night, when we sleep. When we visualize and see ourselves succeeding, it creates self belief, this gets integrated overnight. Once we have this self belief there is no stopping us. So, in a sense, success is created overnight — with the power of visualization.

In every field there are people who are just “naturals.” Their success comes with seeming ease. They simply have a knack for what they are doing. If you don’t have success just falling in your lap, your journey to your goals can be aided by certain success tools. Visualization is one of them. Visualization helps you to shift your mindset and attitude to meet the challenges you need to overcome to gain success. It allows you to determine how you are going to show up to your day. And it helps you to remember the bigger picture, so that you stay focused on your vision and the “why” that motivates each step you take. Make it a regular practice and give yourself this daily advantage in creating your financial success.

One way that visualization can help us reach financial success faster is through connecting with our vision. This will aid bringing forth our best and growing to be able to meet the challenge of financial goals that stretch beyond our current situation. Rosabeth Moss Kanter, a professor at Harvard Business School has said, “A vision is not just a picture of what could be; it is an appeal to our better selves, a call to become something more.” This is why vision can inspire us so much. It is feedback that brings out our better self. We may have to learn new skills. We may have to get more education. We may have to shift our attitude. But when we are guided by vision, we are inspired, excited and motivated. And with that we reach our financial goals much faster.

Visualization is a versatile tool. It can be used to prepare for an athletic competition. It can improve memory and learning. It can be used to relax us or shift our mindset. Probably the most important way to use visualization when it comes to creating financial success is connecting it to our vision. When we create a vision, we clarify our direction and begin to prime the mind to move toward our goals. Our vision can be like a north star, guiding us forward. When we visualize our vision we make connections between our goals and our vision and our mindset and attitude. We create the motivation and drive to move toward our goals. We tap into the inspiration to meet the day as our best selves. We connect vision, intention, mindset, goals and action — all in one simple practice of visualization. Why not check it out?

Visualization is a unique success tool. It is powerful in its ability to shift our mindset and attitude. It also helps us to associate or anchor in the feeling of our best self. Once we have that, we can use visualization each day to prime ourselves to show up in that highly productive, positive and professional state. It uplevels the quality of our daily actions and creates a leap in the level of our daily success. It helps us to do our best because we show up as our best self. And that is an invaluable tool in creating financial success.

Once we really get that visualization can help us to show up to our day with a better mindset and attitude, and with inspiration and positivity, then the 1 percent effect makes total sense. The 1 percent effect is realizing that if we improve each day by just 1 percent, the compounding effect will leave you 270 percent better in 100 days. That is the power of compound interest. And that is the power of visualization to shift mindset and attitude giving you exponentially greater success. Visualization is an investment in you, your future and your success. Each day you use visualization to improve how you show up by just 1%, you create more success than you might imagine.

Success isn’t just about taking action. Even massive action can be scattered and ultimately lead you somewhere you aren’t wanting to go. Success is about taking the right actions. So how do we know what the right actions are? This is where vision and visualization come in. Our vision is our GPS system. It directs us, and the inspiration that comes from visualizing it guides us as to what actions are going to move us toward realizing our vision. When we visualize some exciting goal or achievement along our journey to our vision, the excitement we feel is feedback that we are on track. It tells us we are aligning with what is truly important to us. In that way, visualization can help you to take the right actions at the appropriate time. And that is paramount to all types of success including financial success.

A vision gives us an ideal to shoot for. But it also does more than that. As Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Professor, Harvard Business School, points out, vision is an appeal to our better selves and a call to become something more. This is why visualizing our vision can be so powerful. It inspires our better self to exciting growth and development. We may have to learn new skills. We may have to get more education. We may have to become a better person. Guided by vision, we are inspired, excited and motivated. And we become our better self as we take the journey to our destiny, to our goals and to our financial success.

Thomas Edison once said that genius is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration. What he was referring to is the recipe for success. We must start with inspiration — with our vision for what can be. We then have to show up over and over again with our best self in order to create success. This requires resilience. Resilience is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties. It is all about showing up again and again inspired and ready to face obstacles. This is where visualization comes in. Visualizing our vision gives us the 1 percent inspiration. Visualizing to shift our state can allow us to show up as our best self, even with the going gets tough. It provides a method to create resilience and allows us to lock in success. It helps us work through the obstacles and get through the 99 percent perspiration that both genius and success require.

One of the most powerful keys to financial success is to set clear intentions. With the EnVision visualization app you get assistance in setting intentions, as well as tracking and monitoring them. You also get tips on the skills needed to connect your visualization with your intention for the day. That gives you an edge in setting up the kind of mindset, attitude and motivation you want to have throughout the day. Learning how to set powerful intentions through visualization is just one way that using a visualization app can help.

It used to be that if you went to college you had an advantage in becoming successful. Society is changing and college is not the same ticket it used to be. As the world economy is shifting, so too are the rules for success. In a very competitive arena, we need every advantage we can get. And visualization can be that edge. As one of our users said, “Visualizing definitely gave me an edge. Visualizing before a live show gives me a huge advantage over people who don’t do it.” Why is that? Because we use more of our brain, especially the right brain, when we visualize. We tap into more of our potential and that can definitely give us an advantage over those who don’t.

Visualizing your goals helps you achieve them faster and easier

1. Download the app

2. Visualize for an unstoppable mindset

3. Achieve your goals

Visualizing your goals helps you achieve them faster and easier

1. Download the app

2. Visualize for an unstoppable mindset

3. Achieve your goals