26 Aug Top 5 Tips For Getting Started With EnVision App

We recommend getting started with these EnVision app tips
Starting something new, like a daily visualization practice, can be challenging. Even when we have the best intentions in mind life can get busy. We can feel like we don’t have time to do anything else, or we go to do things and get distracted by something else. Don’t worry, we’ve all been there.
When it comes to visualization techniques we know that practicing for just 10 minutes a day can be life-changing. Even though we know that, it can still be difficult to prioritize time in our schedules to practice.
With that in mind, we’ve put together our top 5 tips to help you get started with your practice so you can begin to experience the huge benefits of this incredibly powerful guided imagery technique with EnVision App.
1. Choose A Time of Day That Works Best For You
While everyone thinks they’re too busy to do things, it’s actually just about prioritization. This is particularly true when it comes to finding 10 minutes a day to prioritize your visualization practice.
What’s unique about visualization is that by making sure you prioritize your 10-minute practice each day, you will actually find that everything else you do that day will not only be far easier. It will also be much more likely to go the way you want it to.
So to make your daily visualization practice a priority, pick a time of day that works best for you. Stick to this time and be consistent with it. When we look at our day there are obvious times where if we plan something we just won’t get to it. Be mindful of that. Make sure you pick a realistic time that is going to work for you, especially to get you started.
Here at EnVision App, we like to do our practice first thing in the morning. For us, this is before we have breakfast, as that’s the time of day that works best. But maybe for you during your lunch break is better. Or consider at the end of your day, or before bed. Any of these times are fine, just pick a time to practice and stick to it.
2. Set A Daily Reminder Through The EnVision App
Once you’ve decided on the best time of day for your visualization practice, you can set a reminder using the Daily Reminder function directly within the EnVision App. It can be found in the ‘More’ section of the app accessed by the three dots to the bottom right of the home screen. It’s easy to use, and most importantly, people find that it’s really effective in prompting them to practice each day. Be sure to set your reminder today so you never miss a day’s practice.
3. Pick A Simple Goal To Work On
If you’re struggling with deciding on what goal to work with then try not to overcomplicate things or think too big. To begin, just pick a really simple goal to work with while you learn the basics of visualization.
Once you’ve started building some momentum with that goal, then you can move on to thinking about bigger goals that you’d like to work towards achieving. So think about something you’d like to achieve in your life. Maybe something you’d like to change in your life, then think of something you can do to work towards that.
Maybe you run your own business and want to get new clients – then set yourself the goal of getting one new client this month. Or you want to learn a new skill, in which case your goal could be to take the first steps towards doing that. Perhaps you have a presentation coming up at work, so you could set the goal of having it go as well as it possibly can. Or, do you want to get fit so your goal could be to join a gym and start a consistent exercise routine.
Again, just keep it simple, to begin with so you have something to get started with and use to build momentum. If you feel you need further help with goal setting then check out Simple Momentum-based Goal Setting advice.
4. Connect With Your Purpose
Making sure you are connected with the why of your daily practice, with what you want to achieve. This is what will give you the motivation to keep coming back to the practice day after day. So if you are finding it hard to get going with your practice, try to remember why you came here in the first place.
Perhaps you wanted to achieve certain goals in your life, like starting your own business, getting a promotion, or writing a book? Did you want to create healthier habits around exercise, sleep, or food? Perhaps it was to begin to define the person you would like to become? Or maybe it was to build a really clear picture of where you see yourself living in the future and then work towards achieving that vision?
Whatever your reason for coming to EnVision App be sure to connect with your purpose again today. Not only will it leave you feeling inspired, but you’ll also find it highly motivating as you’ll once again know exactly what it is you’re working towards. Once you’ve reconnected with what brought you here in the first place you can use that inspiration as momentum to get started.
5. Just Do It
Last but not least, just do it! Don’t worry about having the perfect practice – just keep it simple but taking action and getting started with Day 1. Once you do your first session, and then the next, and then the next, you’ll start to build momentum.
Visualization is a fairly simple practice. It doesn’t require a lot of mental effort, and there’s no wrong way of doing it. In fact, each person experiences it differently, so instead of worrying about getting it ‘right,’ just get started and simply allow the images to come to you in whatever way they will. This type of relaxed and effortless approach is just right for visualization.
We are here to guide you every step of the way. Of course the more you do it, the easier it will become. So what are you waiting for? Start your practice today. Join top-performing business leaders, successful athletes, entrepreneurs, surgeons, celebrities, and speakers in using visualization techniques to live the life they truly desire.
If you need additional help getting started then check out our Top 7 Beginners Visualization Tips.
Download the EnVision App now if you haven’t already.
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